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About Us 

We are Neighborhood Outreach Ministries. Operating since 2011, We aim to provide services that will uplift, impact and improve the status of our community. We are nestled in the heart of the South Augusta community to help and serve those that are in need

What We Do


Provide Hope 

To hope for something is to look forward to it with desire and reasonable confidence. We believe that being a direct catalyst and resource of food, job and household needs  rovides hope to the children, mothers, fathers, families, and elderly that we impact on a daily basis.


Provide Help

We provide help and hope to those in need. Be it direct help or resources, we love helping people thrive. We take joy in seeing people  reach their full potential and purpose.


Promote Wholeness

We care about each individual as a whole. We want to hold financially, physically, and mentally. We provide services that help not only individuals but their families also. If we cannot assist, we refer you to people and organizations that can.   

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How to Get Involved

Volunteers provide a valuable service to the non-profits they serve. Most non-profit organizations are short staffed, and lack the resources they need to service the needs of their community can be enormous. Whether you're helping to sort clothes, receive donations, assisting with Project Restore, or handing out hot meals; your time and energy are valuable both to the organization and the people in which we serve. 


Connect with Us

Whether it's volunteering to make an impact in the community, seeking partnership opportunities or needing information and support, feel free to reach out to us

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